Oct 3, 2010

where i see myself after five years?....

Every one has  dreams and wants to fulfill them.well i see myself after five years doing a news caster job.As i have chosen mass communication so i will must join journalism.I am doing mass communication to complete my aims as i always wanted to join media therefore i won't let my ambitions go.Beside this i may be doing some other activities because im a very active person and love to do many things, like i have planned to go London, America or Canada and wish to study direction, production or film making there, as i am interested in these too.And last but not the least activity is that i would be participating in car racing's because driving is my passion and hobby and i think every body should use his or her God given activities.So in the sense of hobbies and sports, i would be taking part in car racing's or chess competitions while on other hand as a job career, i would be a news caster or a producer.
Most importantly, in this era media's job is considered as the most powerful job, mostly current affairs department is taken as to be the respectable one.That's why if God be willing,i would be doing all of these activities in the next five years...